Mr. Parson's Art class are working on water colors. Their creations turned out amazing!

Ki Charter Fort Worth: High school students used art for self-expression. When asked what inspired their paintings, some stated the images were seasonal, expressing their mood. They all agree that painting is calming, relaxing, and helps them focus.

Ki Charter Lewisville: Our elementary students have been using "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell" to learn about Story Elements, Sequencing, and Spelling. We even explored addition and multiplication using the story. They also made Poinsettias to learn about different symbols of the holidays.

Ki Charter Liberty Hill showed our appreciation this week for our housekeeping and maintenance staff by providing lunch for them. We appreciate everything they do, and how hard they work to keep the school looking nice for our students!

Denton Highlights:
Students watched videos comparing the different tribes across the United States. They learned about different types of homes the Native Americans lived in and then made their own teepees.

Fort Worth Highlights:
The elementary class enjoyed learning about different types of headdresses. They learned that each headdress must be earned to be worn through honor, respect, and bravery. They also learned that this attire is worn by both women and men with the only difference being the style of it. Their display shows various types of headdresses and early habitats.
The high school class did the research and the facts are clear. Native American culture is rich with history, culture, and diversity. They will continue with videos, collaborative discussions, and activities.