Director of Special Education and 504

District Special Education Coordinator
Learn More About Sped
Special Education Contacts
If you have questions about special education programming or the services at Ki Charter, please contact our special education director, Mrs. Kate Patterson.
Additional Information
The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact Information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email for Inquires
Live Chat

Special Education/504
Email Special Education Department
Fax: (817) 719-9832
Ki Charter freely and appropriately educates all students (including those identified with special needs and abilities) in the least restrictive environment suitable for their individual needs in accordance with federal and state laws. We offer educational and support services in and out of the classroom that support the academic, social, and developmental achievement of each student at Ki. All of our teachers are special education certified and receive mental health training as part of an ongoing effort to educate the whole child.
Response To Intervention
We are committed to meeting the needs of every student in our school, even if they have not yet been identified as needing 504 or special education services. To do that, we employ a process called Response to Intervention (RTI). Response to Intervention allows teachers to monitor student growth and instructional needs in the classroom. It helps quickly identify students who need additional support and provides them with alternate instruction or intervention before they fail. Teachers continue to monitor RTI student progress to determine if the interventions are working or if a student needs additional support. This early intervention is often the most efficient and effective measure of moving a student toward success.
RTI consists of three tiers or levels of intervention. Every student within our building falls under one of these tiers.
Tier 1 is our regular education program (including core academics, social-emotional learning, CTE programming, and assessments) taught in the regular classroom.
Tier 2 encompasses the first sign of student struggle, be it academic or behavioral, and the corresponding interventions teachers use to address those concerns. At the tier 2 level, teachers meet regularly with the RTI team to review student progress and intervention implementation. Intervention may include supplemental activities, small group instruction, tutoring, etc. Nearly all interventions at this level are provided in the regular classroom and in addition to whole-class instruction.
Tier 3 intervention includes additional supports that students receive in addition to tier 1 and 2 instruction that helps them successfully navigate life in the classroom. It may include multiple “check-ins” throughout the day, one-on-one instruction with a teacher-aide, or repeated skills practice.
If students are still not making significant progress with Tier 3 supports, teachers may request that they be evaluated for special education services.
Admission, Review, and Dismissal into Special Education
While parents may request an evaluation for special education or Section 504 services at any time, teachers may request that a student be evaluated for SPED services in response to insufficient gains within RTI. We hold annual Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meetings for each student who qualifies for special education and related services in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and state law. During these meetings, committee members create and/or modify an appropriate Individual Education Program (IEP) plan for identified students. Committee members may request additional meetings throughout the year to discuss identified students’ progress and future goals. If needed, ARD committee members may also create a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) for identified students with autism during these meetings.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Under Texas Education Code chapter 29, subchapter B, Ki Charter identifies Limited English Proficient (LEP) learners to provide appropriate ESL services to help them succeed in the classroom. We make every effort to ensure that limited English language skills do not hinder learners from participating in any of our educational and CTE programs. Students with disabilities, who are also LEP learners, also receive these services as part of their IEP.
Section 504
How is a student identified for Section 504? What is meant by the phrase "substantial limitation"?
An impairment as used in Section 504 may include any disability, long-term illness, or various disorder that “substantially” reduces or lessens a student’s ability to access learning in the educational setting because of a learning-, behavior- or health-related condition. Generally, it means that the disability materially and significantly impacts the student's overall educational performance and experience in an adverse manner. In other words, it means the student is experiencing serious difficulty meeting minimum academic requirements, behavioral expectations, or a combination of both. It does not mean that the student is not working up to his/her potential or earning the best grades he/she can earn.
If a school employee suspects that a student has an impairment that significantly impacts a major life activity, the school is legally obligated to begin the process of gathering data. The collection of data should be conducted within a reasonable amount of time and should not be delayed. The parent will then be contacted for written consent to conduct a Section 504 evaluation.
If a parent suspects that their child has an impairment that significantly impacts their ability to access their education, they may contact the campus 504 coordinator to request a 504 evaluation. The school will in turn begin gathering multiple sources of data to review and use for the evaluation. A district is legally required to review multiple sources of data to determine eligibility and a medical diagnosis alone is insufficient to determine eligibility.
If the student is found eligible, the Section 504 committee will create a 504 plan to delineate appropriate services which may include instructional accommodations and/or testing accommodations.
Can a student be disabled but not qualify under Section 504?
Yes. Since the law states that the student's impairment must substantially limit a major life activity, if a student's impairment is determined not to substantially limit a major life activity, a 504 committee may determine that a student is not eligible for Section 504.
How is a student identified for dyslexia services?
Students enrolled in Texas public schools shall be assessed for dyslexia and related disorders at appropriate times (TEC §38.003 (a)). The appropriate time depends on multiple factors including the student's reading performance; reading difficulties; poor response to supplemental, scientifically based reading instruction; teacher's input; and input from the parents/guardians. Schools shall recommend assessment for dyslexia if the student demonstrates the following:
Poor performance in one or more areas of reading and spelling that is unexpected for the student's age/grade
Characteristics and risk factors of dyslexia
Trained dyslexia evaluators administer a battery of assessments. Data from these assessments is analyzed to determine whether the student demonstrates characteristics of dyslexia. The data is presented in a dyslexia evaluation report.
Once the evaluation is complete, the 504 committee will review the data to determine whether the student meets eligibility as a student with dyslexia. If the student is found eligible, the Section 504 committee will create a 504 plan to delineate appropriate services which may include dyslexia intervention classes, instructional accommodations, and/or testing accommodations.
Free audiobooks! If we have determined that your child has dyslexia, or if we have screened them and they are at risk for dyslexia, they now have access to the talking book program maintained by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The talking book program provides students with reading disabilities the ability to borrow audiobooks free of charge and includes over 100,000 titles, hundreds of which are in Spanish. See the Texas Talking Books website to get started!