Liberty Hill Campus

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Our team would like to welcome your student to Ki Charter-Liberty Hill. We are excited to help your student achieve their highest potential. Ki Charter helps students develop skills they need to succeed in their community schools once they leave Meridell Achievement Center. We are committed to reintroducing your students to their respective schools with improved behavior, reduced opportunity gaps, and social-emotional skills necessary to enhance their success. Students are at the forefront of everything we do. The rate of change in our global society is unprecedented, so students and teachers require the mindset, skill set, and tool set to thrive in it.

Student success begins with ongoing collaboration with our treatment team partners at Meridell Achievement Center. Communication of student progress is also shared with parents/guardians. Ki Charter provides an academic progress report every three weeks by mail. In addition, report cards are sent home every six weeks. Upon enrollment all parents.guardians are provided access to our parent portal to view weekly progress of their students' academics.

We want your student to have a successful and positive experience at Ki Charter-Liberty Hill. Please know that I am always available to discuss any questions or concerns related to serving you and your student. 


Ms. Adrienne Durham

Ms. Adrienne Durham

Principal Liberty Hill
Send Email
P: (512) 528-2146

Ms. Durham graduated from Texas State University with a degree in psychology in 2005. Upon graduation she worked at the San Marcos Treatment Center for two years as a unit manager. She then taught English and Special Education at San Marcos High School for eight years before transitioning to Ki Charter. Ms. Durham earned her graduate degree in Educational Leadership with a principal and superintendent certification at Texas State University. In her free time, Ms. Durham enjoys hiking with her dog Chewie, watching football, and attending concerts.